Това може да ви е интересно. Презентацията ще е в информатиката С110 на 26. Април от 16:00. Ето целия мейл.
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Sehr geehrte Mitglieder des Fachbereichs Informatik,
wir freuen uns, dass wir für den Eröffnungsvortrag des Fachbereich-Kolloquiums im SS07
Prof. A. Buchmann (TUD)
als Sprecher gewinnen konnten. Der 60-minütige Vortrag zum Thema
Managing the data glut: The convergence of RFID, WSN, P2P and Pub/Sub
findet am
Do. 26. April, um 16 ct in C110
As the physical and digital worlds converge (e.g. through RFID tags on
every object or through billions of deployed sensors) the flood of data
and events that must be tracked, filtered and processed will threaten to
drown us. Other emerging technologies for handling enormous volumes of
data are Peer-to-Peer systems (best known from file-sharing systems) and
Publish/Subscribe systems used for efficient notification and
information dissemination. In this talk we look at solutions proposed by
the different communities and look at the convergence of these
technologies and where they can benefit each other or how they can be
Wir laden alle Interessierten herzlich ein.
Auf rege Teilnahme hoffend,
M. Fischlin und A. May