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Форумът Учението 12.06 - Formal Methods in Software Engineering
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12.06 - Formal Methods in Software Engineering
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05 Jun 2007 16:04 Цитирайте
Мнения: 1370

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Prof. Lindsay Groves (University of Wellington)
"Formal Methods in Software Engineering - Some Recurring Themes"
Dienstag 12. Juni, 16:15 Uhr in S2/02 C120

Formal methods can be seen as the pursuit of an impossible dream - the idea
that software should be constructed in a way that guarantees correctness with
respect to precise mathematical specifications. Alternatively, formal methods
can be seen as providing the scientific basis for software engineering, from
which we can study programming languages, design methodologies and software

This talk will examine some of the basic motivations for work in formal
methods, and the directions in which they have led. We will show that a small
number of key ideas, including assertions, invariants and refinement, have
emerged in varying guises to provide the foundations for a wide range of
formal methods. Some examples will be examined in more detail, including
evolutionary software development and verification of concurrent algorithms.

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